Although I do not stay with my mum, I generally do update her on events that happens in my life. This particular event of quitting from my job was something that I did not know how to update her.
I pay for one-third of my parents' house mortgage. Many of my friends think that my parents are quite self-sufficient so whatever I earn, I use it on myself and my dog. Well that perception is farthest from the truth. I give my mum a higher amount of money for her monthly household expenditure (as compared to my sister and brother who both still live with my parents) and also pay for one-third of my parents' house mortgage. Without that fixed monthly income, it becomes more stressful to think of where and how I can support the contributions.
As I had to serve slightly longer than my three months notice period (for my resignation), I had kept quite this matter rather under wraps from my family especially my mum. I shall leave the topic of notice period for resignation for another day.
Having finally serve out my notice period and my final exit from the organisation, I thought long and hard on how I should break this news to her. I believe we are all worried of having to say this either to our partners or our immediate family who relies on us financially. So on this Tuesday (my 2nd day without a corporate job), I decided it is better I let my mum know.
So I called her and talked about other topics before finally having the courage to inform her that I am without a job. Her immediate response was "ho-sim ah" (hokkien for "oh my god!"). I repeatedly told her not to be stressed as I wanted to take a break and was feeling tired and should there be a need, I was pretty confident of finding another job (projected self-confidence). I hung up the phone and did not feel confident that my mum would not become stressed with the news that I had just shared with her. So I called her again and re-assured her all is good and that I was tired physically as well as the corporate bull-shit that has long been dragged out for the past 2 years. I think that calmed her down a little before I repeated myself again and again - that I was really alright and that the contributions to the house mortgage and household expenditures would continue as per normal.
On hindsight, did I think that was the right thing to do - YES, i still think it is the right thing to do. With the stress of not working and getting a fixed monthly income and a lack of identity, I believe the honesty towards family and friends would help to minimise the stress associated with pretending to be working. I believe many of us would dread such a conversation but being able to have such a conversation with family and friends would definitely help us live a life without a corporate job as the burden of hiding this truth would become non-existent.
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