Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 3 (Wednesday)

Although it has only been three days since I left my corporate job, it feels like a month has passed. Some of my "senior" friends feel that I am making such a wrong move especially with what is happening in the Euro-zone, quitting from a good and secure corporate job, my timing could not have been worst.

I have been thinking about this and it really bugs me. On the one hand, I know they mean well but could they think this way because they came from a generation where job security meant working for a corporation. Although I am worried (not stressed as yet but with friends telling you to go look for a corporate job fast), deep inside me I still feel I want to be slightly rebellious and see if one can make a decent living without a corporate job. In this day and age of the internet, can I be one of the many zenhabits or Seth Godin or Pamela Slim and contribute my knowledge and experience more productively and happily to the world we live in.

Do I have the resilience and inner strength to really see this through (like the failed previous three attempts at writing and keeping a blog going)? Do I have the understanding of other like-minded friends and networks to allow me to contribute my know-how in environments which are more conducive to personal growth and self-development? Or will I really succumb to the age-old thinking that there are still organisations who provide iron rice bowls to weather throw the cold air blowing in from the west?

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